Friday, July 30, 2004

Blog "boom" hits Switzerland

Wow. According to Swissinfo the land of cows, banks and chocolates is about to discover the blog - at least a little bit:
The blogging phenomenon has made few waves in Switzerland, even though the country boasts 48 regular internet users for every 100 inhabitants. “Only a few people here understand the term weblogs,” says Roger Fischer of Zurich-based Kaywa, which hosts around 350 blogs on its servers. He puts the total number of blogs in Switzerland at around 1,000. Software maker Perseus Development estimated in late 2003 that there were around four million blogs worldwide. Martin Hitz, the former head of the online edition of the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”, has been running a blog for the past 18 months. At the internet address he collects information on changes in the Swiss media landscape. Around 4,500 surfers visited his blog last month. Hitz points out that in the United States there are countless bloggers – estimates put the number at two to five per cent of the population. “The Swiss probably feel they have less of a need to talk to other people than the Americans. It’s possible that our reserve stands in the way of a Swiss blog boom, because you have to expose yourself in a blog."

U.S.' record budget deficit

Reuters: The U.S. budget deficit will hit a record $445 billion this year, according to a White House report that is sure to fuel election-year wrangles about President George W. Bush's economic policies.

Mediabistro: making blogs pay believes to have found a way to make money with weblogs. The information and job portal for the media industry which recently purchased the television news blog TVnewser prospers by selling access to a job referral database, advertising career training sessions and sponsoring social events in local markets. "We have a machine for making money, and the blogs plug into that nicely", says founder Laurel Touby.

Bush: results matter

It seems that George W. continues to bank on misleading the American people:
Beginning a two-day swing through four presidential battlegrounds, Bush planned to take a subtle slap at Democratic rival John Kerry. "When it comes to choosing a president, results matter," Bush said in excerpts of his new stump speech obtained by The Associated Press.

These results, Mr. President?
A comprehensive examination of the U.S.-led agency that oversaw the rebuilding of Iraq has triggered at least 27 criminal investigations and produced evidence of millions of dollars' worth of fraud, waste and abuse, according to a report by the Coalition Provisional Authority's inspector general.
The report is the most sweeping indication yet that some U.S. officials and private contractors repeatedly violated the law in the free-wheeling atmosphere that pervaded the multibillion-dollar effort to rebuild the war-torn country.

(Via Kos)

Terrorist arrests on demand, part 2

The Herald Tribune reports today that a top terror suspect - a guy who is among the 22 people on the American FBI's most-wanted-list - has just been arrested in Pakistan.
Mmmh. Why am I not surprised of this news and its timing? Because it's part of a deal between the U.S. and Pakistan. As the "New Republic” (TNR) revealed earlier this month (see my blog post from July 7) the Bush administration told Pakistani security officicals that 'it would be best" if they announce the apprehension or killing of an (Al Quada) terrorist (a.k.a. 'high value target') on twenty-six, twenty-seven, or twenty-eight July." (Meaning: during the National Democratic Convention). In any case the arrestation or killing of a (high value) terrorist "before the election is an absolute must". And, o yes, did I forget to mention the modest reward the U.S. promised the Pakistani? According to the "New Republic" article Colin Powell designated Pakistan during a visit in March "a major non-NATO ally, a status that allows its military to purchase a wider array of U.S. weaponry. In addition, the Bush administration is pushing a five-year, $3 billion aid package for Pakistan through Congress over Democratic concerns about the country's proliferation of nuclear technology and lack of democratic reform." I wonder if Bin Laden is smarter than these questionable deal-makers...

Kerry: Hope is on the way

What a great finale of the National Democratic Convention that was! The hightlight of course was John Kerry's acceptance speech. Some excerpts:
"As president, that is my first pledge to you tonight. As president, I will restore trust and credibility to the White House.
"I will be a commander in chief who will never mislead us into war. I will have a vice president who will not conduct secret meetings with polluters to rewrite our environmental laws. I will have a secretary of defense who will listen to the advice of the military leaders. And I will appoint an attorney general who upholds the Constitution of the United States."
"America can do better: So tonight we say, help is on the way."
Some pundits call it the best speech John Kerry ever gave, but the reactions from some opinion-leading newspapers are quite different. Plus: The transcript, key points & sentences of John Kerry's acceptance speech and pictures of the last night of the Democratic convention)

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Siegfried & Roy - good-bye forever

The days of Siegfried & Roy's spectacular stage show are officially over.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Brosnan says no more 007

"That's it," Pierce Brosnan told Entertainment Weekly, "I've said all I've got to say on the world of James Bond."

A daily dosis beach

Webcam from Pacifica, California.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Great speeches by the Clintons

Wow! The hightlights of the first day of DNC 04 were the powerful speeches of Hillary Clinton introducing her husband ("the last great Democratic president") and Bill Clinton himself (entering the stage while his former campaign song - Fleetwood Mac's "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow" - was playing). The Democrats cheered the couple and joyously relived the glory days of Bill Clinton and his mastery of American politics.
Some great excerpts of what they said:
"Strength and wisdom are not opposing values. They go hand in hand, and John Kerry has both." Bill Clinton about the Republicans' acccusations that Kerry is weak on terrorism.
"We live in an interdependent world in which we cannot possibly kill, jail or occupy all of our potential adversaries." Bill Clinton, referring to Bush's questionable foreign policy.
"He will lead the world, not alienate it. Lower the deficit, not raise it. Create good jobs, not lose them. Solve a health care crisis, not ignore it." Hillary Clinton about John Kerry, critizising Bush.
Their entire speeches here and here .

Al Gore: Got what you wanted?

Former Vice President - and presidential candidate in 2000 - delivered a great, humorous and energizing speech at the Democratic convention. Some excerpts:
"I sincerely ask those who supported President Bush four years ago: Did you really get what you expected from the candidate you voted for?"
"I prefer to focus on the future, because I know from my own experience that America is a land of opportunity, where every little boy and girl has a chance to grow up and win the popular vote."
"Let's make sure not only that the Supreme Court does not pick the next president, but also that this president is not the one who picks the next Supreme Court."
"The first lesson is this: take it from me - every vote counts. In our Democracy, every vote has power. And never forget: that power is yours. Don't let anyone take it away or talk you into throwing it away."

Great kick-off for the Democrats

Exciting! Today the Democratic Party opened their 44th national convention. Great speeches, a lot of excited delegates, great momentum for the Democrats. The stars of the "night of nostalgia": Bill & Hillary Clinton and Al Gore.
Plus: The presence of the bloggers is the buzz of this year's convention (also see my my post from July 08 ). The accredited bloggers are convinced that this year's events are revolutionary: "The 2004 conventions will be remembered as the conventions of the blog; just like the 1952 Republican convention was the convention of the television, and the 1924 conventions were the conventions of the radio."

Why history favors Kerry

Businessweek: John Kerry is in a "strong position" to win the November election, according to the International Strategy & Investment newsletter. The ISI notes that only two recent Presidential incumbents were behind in the polls at the start of the conventions - and both lost.

Google aims high with IPO

NYT: Thee popular Internet search company, which is planning to sell shares to the public in an unconventional auction, expects its shares to sell for $108 to $135 each.
That would value the company between $29 billion and $36 billion. That is just shy of the $37 billion value of Yahoo, a larger and far more mature Internet company. The most valuable Internet company, eBay, is worth $49 billion.

A daily dosis beach

Webcam from Big Sur, California.