Friday, July 30, 2004

Terrorist arrests on demand, part 2

The Herald Tribune reports today that a top terror suspect - a guy who is among the 22 people on the American FBI's most-wanted-list - has just been arrested in Pakistan.
Mmmh. Why am I not surprised of this news and its timing? Because it's part of a deal between the U.S. and Pakistan. As the "New Republic” (TNR) revealed earlier this month (see my blog post from July 7) the Bush administration told Pakistani security officicals that 'it would be best" if they announce the apprehension or killing of an (Al Quada) terrorist (a.k.a. 'high value target') on twenty-six, twenty-seven, or twenty-eight July." (Meaning: during the National Democratic Convention). In any case the arrestation or killing of a (high value) terrorist "before the election is an absolute must". And, o yes, did I forget to mention the modest reward the U.S. promised the Pakistani? According to the "New Republic" article Colin Powell designated Pakistan during a visit in March "a major non-NATO ally, a status that allows its military to purchase a wider array of U.S. weaponry. In addition, the Bush administration is pushing a five-year, $3 billion aid package for Pakistan through Congress over Democratic concerns about the country's proliferation of nuclear technology and lack of democratic reform." I wonder if Bin Laden is smarter than these questionable deal-makers...


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