Friday, July 30, 2004

Kerry: Hope is on the way

What a great finale of the National Democratic Convention that was! The hightlight of course was John Kerry's acceptance speech. Some excerpts:
"As president, that is my first pledge to you tonight. As president, I will restore trust and credibility to the White House.
"I will be a commander in chief who will never mislead us into war. I will have a vice president who will not conduct secret meetings with polluters to rewrite our environmental laws. I will have a secretary of defense who will listen to the advice of the military leaders. And I will appoint an attorney general who upholds the Constitution of the United States."
"America can do better: So tonight we say, help is on the way."
Some pundits call it the best speech John Kerry ever gave, but the reactions from some opinion-leading newspapers are quite different. Plus: The transcript, key points & sentences of John Kerry's acceptance speech and pictures of the last night of the Democratic convention)


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