Saturday, May 07, 2005

Happy birthday, Leslie!

The day comes with two of you favorites: cats and cupcakes! (The rest is in the mail..)

Friday, May 06, 2005

A new way.....

... to look at internet search: Grokker. (That's what they say..)

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Humor against the backup trauma

Yes, I admit it. I did it. I had an ugly computer crash, wanted to fix it - and erased my entire hard drive by accident. And I haven't been very disciplined by doing backups of my data. So technically I lost everything. I was devasted for weeks, now I'm slowly recovering. This funny movie by the Institute for Backup Trauma was a great consolation. Hint: John Cleese is the best.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Visit at Marian's

We went to see Marian's at her new home in the countryside. A little rain, a little sunshine, some fog, snowy mountains and a beautiful countryside. We had lots of fun and ate the beautifully decorated birthday cake she baked (family recipe..). The pictures...