Monday, July 26, 2004

Great speeches by the Clintons

Wow! The hightlights of the first day of DNC 04 were the powerful speeches of Hillary Clinton introducing her husband ("the last great Democratic president") and Bill Clinton himself (entering the stage while his former campaign song - Fleetwood Mac's "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow" - was playing). The Democrats cheered the couple and joyously relived the glory days of Bill Clinton and his mastery of American politics.
Some great excerpts of what they said:
"Strength and wisdom are not opposing values. They go hand in hand, and John Kerry has both." Bill Clinton about the Republicans' acccusations that Kerry is weak on terrorism.
"We live in an interdependent world in which we cannot possibly kill, jail or occupy all of our potential adversaries." Bill Clinton, referring to Bush's questionable foreign policy.
"He will lead the world, not alienate it. Lower the deficit, not raise it. Create good jobs, not lose them. Solve a health care crisis, not ignore it." Hillary Clinton about John Kerry, critizising Bush.
Their entire speeches here and here .


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