The United States Army must have a big image problem. It is so desperate in recruiting new soldiers that the Pentagon is reportedly using some $3 billion of American taxpayers' money to
draw their children (!!!) into the military. But there is more. As the
New Yorker magazine reports in its July 26th edition soldiers and their families can receive now plastic surgery, including breast enlargements - also on the taxpayers' dime! Members of all four branches of the US military can get face-lifts, breast enlargements, liposuction and nose jobs for free - something the military says helps surgeons practise their skills. "The surgeons have to have someone to practise on", an army spokesperson told the magazine. Between 2000 and 2003, military doctors performed 496 breast enlargements and 1361 liposuction surgeries on soldiers and their dependents. Finally we understand the true meaning of the army's advertising slogan "Be All You Can Be"... In the meanwhile we just learned that the Pentagon faces a
$17 billion shortfall for the costs of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and its worldwide effort against terrorism. The amount is triple what the administration projected in April it would need to make it through September.