Thursday, June 02, 2005

Trust via chemistry? Study says it's possible

USA today report some exiting scientific news from my home country:
Better deception through chemistry may be making its way to a nose near you, reports a team of neurochemists. Oxytocin, a hormone used to stimulate contractions during labor, also appears to be a trust-builder when inhaled, says the team led by Michael Kosfeld of Switzerland's University of Zurich. "It seems to reduce anxiety about interacting with strangers," says study co-author Paul Zak, director of the Center for Neuroeconomic Studies at Claremont Graduate University in California. "But it's not some sort of evil mind-control drug — spraying it in the environment won't affect anybody."

Wow! Imagine what would happen if we all would inhale it in a public place and we actually really would start to trust each other!! Armaggedon, armaggedon! (But seriously, we're can I get this stuff?..I'll pay cash..)


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