Jeff Jarvis, On the Inside Blogging Out
Great article in the Washington Post about one of my favorite writers in the blogosphere, "Blog Daddy" Jeff Darvis who just signed up for a new daytime job. An excerpt from the story:
He has denounced shoddy journalism, defended whipped-cream-covered strippers on television, discussed the pope on MSNBC, called in to Howard Stern, exchanged erudite letters with the editor of the New York Times, and championed the idea that any citizen can be "a Wolf Blitzer in sheep's clothing." In the process, he says, he has "rebranded" himself as Blog Boy. Jeff Jarvis, a former critic for People and TV Guide and a founding editor of Entertainment Weekly, has moved from writing for millions to blogging for thousands, slinging opinions on subjects ranging from the war on terror to car stereos. "God knows how many bits and bytes I've wasted on my blathering," he says.
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