Thursday, January 13, 2005

Afer the winter storm

Right, Mr. Hammond - it never rains in Southern California. We just experienced 15 consecutive days of record rainfall. The horrible winter storm which hit Southern California and caused over ten deaths and $100 million damage, is finally gone. And we're happy to see some rays of sunshine and experience a clear view over the city. A snapshot from today shows downtown Los Angeles skyline with snow capped San Gabriel mountain range.


Blogger Victor S said...

Something's odd with Blogger tonight - I've had, like, fifty completely random visitors to my blog - including from yours. They're all trying to sell something or are in Portuguese, so something's up. Anyway - I reckon your's is random too, but you're a lefty, so it's okay.

Nonetheless, per your links, Majority Report is waaaay better than Randi Rhodes and Al Franken.

Later/Tschuss/A la prochaine/Ciao

6:28 PM  

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