Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Record costs for inauguration

That makes me feel so much better:
President Bush's second swearing-in, the nation's 55th inauguration on January 20th, will be marked by unprecedented security that will "leave nothing to chance," With the projected costs of $17 million the security will be the most expensive in U.S. history.

Of course that's a piece of cake compared with the expenses for the coronation itself:
Even dyed-in-the-mink Republicans have to be wincing a bit at the $40 million price tag for the three-day exhibition of excess that will mark the second inauguration of President Bush next week in Washington. Everything is bigger, more lavish, and more costly than any of the 54 presidential inaugurals that have gone before. For those who can afford them, tickets to the various events - a diamond-studded package of receptions, concerts, fireworks, three candlelight dinners and nine official inaugural balls - come hitched to sponsorship costs of $100,000 and $250,000. (...) The nuclear energy industry's contribution is part of a record-breaking outpouring of corporate cash to next week's inaugural festivities. At least 88 companies and trade associations, along with 39 CEOs and top executives - all with huge stakes in administration policies - already have donated $18 million. Wall Street investment firms seeking to profit from private Social Security accounts; oil, gas and mining companies pushing the White House to revive a stalled energy-subsidy bill; and hotels and casinos seeking an influx of immigrant labor are among the 44 interests that have each given $250,000 and the 66 that have donated $100,000 to $225,000. And the money keeps pouring in.


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