Sunday, August 29, 2004

Governor Noldi's sponsered trips

Noldi "Terminator" Schwarzenegger remains a businessman - even as California's governor. His trip to New York to address the Republican National Convention is being financed by a variety of major corporations. Despite the fact that he came to office promising to rid Sacramento of "special interests" he has accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in contributions from companies and interest groups with business before state government. Schwarzenegger aides said Wednesday that the estimated $350,000 cost of his excursion to New York next week would be underwritten by a number of entertainment, pharmaceutical, oil and telecommunications concerns with major business interests in California. Among them: Fox Entertainment, NBC Universal, News Corporation, Paramount, TimeWarner, the Walt Disney Company, Viacom, Amgen, Pfizer, ChevronTexaco, Outback Steakhouse, SBC and Visa. Schwarzi's aides said he accepted the contributions to spare taxpayers the cost of his trip. - Speechless...


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