Friday, August 27, 2004

Legend Arthur Miller speaks out

"I don't recall a time when there was less simple responsibility by the government for what it says and what it does. I'm appalled by its blatancy: how they're kidding the people. It's so obvious it's painful. It's bad acting."
Arthur Miller about the Bush administration

A great great portrait in the L.A. Times (reprinted by Newsday) about this legendary writer who turns 90 next year - and who is still very active. He has a new play (about Hollywood) and his diaries in the works. Congrats - I admire this guy! (What a life!) And I also like that he keeps his secrets about Marilyn (he hit a New York reporter who asked him about his marriage with the movie star..).

Arthur Miller also said this memorable and beautiful thing:

"Life is mostly forgetting, and the art is the memory."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go back to Europe, shithead

4:52 PM  

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