Democrats ponder future
Senator John Kerry's "defeat has Democrats grappling with whether the party must make fundamental changes in philosophy to recapture the White House," the Wall Street Journal reports.
The Washington Post says many Democrats say they "need to restore the language of values to the party's rhetoric and to try to reconnect with people of faith."
Newsweek notes "the losing side always goes through a period of wailing and teeth-gnashing after an election, as the various factions grab for power in anticipation of the next election. It will be especially intense after two narrow, bruising losses."
Meanwhile, Dan Conley has re-launched his blog with this question: "How many elections will it take for Democrats to figure out that we don't know how to pick winning Presidential candidates?"
And Marshall Wittman warns Democrats not to wait for the inevitable scandals that emerge in second term presidencies. "Organization is fine -- ideas and message are far superior."
(Via Political Wire)
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