'Surfin' USA' - best song for convertable drivers
Driving a convertable is fun. Driving a convertable with a great summer song on the radio is even better. And everybody has a favorite song, of course. America's favorite? 'Surfin' USA' by the Beach Boys was voted Best Song to Cruise to While Driving with the Top Down, according to a survey of the car manufacturer Chrysler. The Beatles hit 'Here Comes the Sun' and 'Take It Easy' by the Eagles were chosen as the second and third top songs. The survey also found out that 67 percent of respondents "prefer to let their hair blow free while driving in a convertible".
Liebster Marc
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Bezüglich Beach boys-note: Hast du mir eine CD-Empfehlung? Ich muss unbedingt eine Art "Best of" haben, damit ich in meinem Audi auch ein minimes Californian dreaming-feeling habe.
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