Postpone the presidential elections?
Dubya just doesn't stop surprising us! Newsweek reported on Sunday that the Bush administration officials requested for detailed analysis what legal steps would be needed to permit the postponement of the election were an terrorist attack to take place. postpone the 2004 election represents an implicit threat to abrogate the US Constitution, dispense with democratic rights, and establish a dictatorship based on the military and police. Axis of Logic thinks that this is nothing else but "the desperate action of a deeply discredited and unpopular regime that fears, not merely electoral defeat, but an explosion of social and political unrest in the United States". Bush’s national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, meanwhile, said in a television interview: “No one’s thinking about postponing the election.” Plus: The Bush camp could actually gain from a postponement of the presidential election, writes the great journalist Joe Conason in his New York Post column. Speaking of: When will Conason's insightful book "Big Lies - The Right-Wing Propaganda Machine and How It Destorts the Truth" finally become available at my library?
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