Friday, June 11, 2004

Lawsuit against U.S. companies in Iraq abuse scandal

According to the Los Angeles Times eight Iraqis filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday claiming that employees of two American contractors subjected them to abuse in U.S.-run prisons in Iraq, including electric shocks, rape, and torture. The lawsuit, which seeks class-action status, alleges that employees of San Diego-based Titan National Security Solutions and Virginia-based CACI International, contracted for interpretation and interrogation services respectively, systematically tortured prisoners to extract more information and increase the firms' chances of winning future contracts.
Titan executives called the lawsuit "frivolous." They said the U.S. government had not informed Titan of any wrongdoing by either the company or its employees. Titan has a contract to provide interpretation services to U.S. government and military officials in Iraq and elsewhere. The company, whose shareholders approved a $1.66-billion buyout offer this week from defense contractor Lockheed Martin Corp., earns most of its revenue from government contracts. CACI, with a market value of $1.1 billion, has bought 26 companies since the 1990s, many specializing in the defense industry. Their company slogan: "Technology that supports America's future". - More here and here .


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