Friday, June 18, 2004

Age doesn't matter anymore

I finally read this great piece in the Los Angeles Times of last Sunday about new life expectations beyond age limitations, the abundance of the old klischees of an fulfilled existence and the reinvention of adulthood.
Excerpt: "As recently as 50 years ago, the path of adulthood was linear: After getting an education, most people expected to work, marry, have children, then retire and die. But as feminism, technology and medical advances transformed, well, everything, from average life spans to professional expectations, every age group encountered a greater range of options. Marriage and children could be postponed, maybe forever. Careers and mates could be tried and abandoned. Education, dating, endurance sports, sexy clothes and rock 'n' roll weren't just for the young. And what was young, anyway? Today, you are how you look, how you feel and what you do. (..) Age no longer defines our limits, who we are, or the choices we can make." - Right on! (Interesting, subject-related book "Mapping Your Life Across Time")


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